Graphic Designer / Photographer / Artist
Welcome to my collection of art - I'm always looking for inspiration and new projects to create through various mediums of digital art, photography, and fine art. I'm fueled by good espresso, curiosity of finding new adventures, and new perspectives on life through meeting open-minded people with a story to tell.
My professional career has been in the design field for the past 18 years pushing pixels and branding small businesses, however I've always shared a love of photographing landscapes and moments in time when I've been lucky enough to travel. Every photographer has a different perspective and an artistic way of capturing their subject - that's why I love to share my own perspective with the rest of the world.
I'm currently on a mission to get my brushes and paints out and cover the stack of canvases in my studio that are in need of color and texture. My hope is to set up an etsy shop soon where I can distribute my art across the world so be sure to stay connected with me to be the first to know.
- Tiffany